"Pourquoi l'oiseau chante"" (Why the bird sings") invites us to (re)discover the life of Jean Roché, a great specialist in bird songs and a pioneer in nature recording in France! The watercolors of Serge Nicolle, a very talented animal painter, give an artistic dimension to this beautiful book. Written in French.
Quand seules les voix de la nature emplissaient notre univers sonore... Constitué uniquement d’enregistrements réalisés pendant le grand confinement du printemps 2020, ce double CD est le témoignage émouvant d’un audio-naturaliste se retrouvant, pour la première fois de sa vie, seul face aux sons la nature, sans autres bruits que ceux des oiseaux et des...
With more than 6 hours of listening, this sound document is the most complete existing in this domain. Songs during flight, shouts of migration 350 handled species through 850 recordings make of this work a tool essential to the ornithologists.
BOX WITH USB KEY [MP3 SOUNDS] & BOOKLET [PRINTED + PDF]. Discover this new version of our reference book! Collection "LA SONOTHÈQUE DU MUSÉUM". To identify the songs and calls of passerines in France: 148 species represented by 964 records. Very useful for naturalists in charge of monitoring birds. BOOKLET IN FRENCH.
The most important collection about bird songs in MP3 - 2 joining together CD MP3 = 17 audio CD - 819 species of Europe, Afric of North and Western Asy - 2817 recordings representing songs and cries - easily accessible.