CD Listen to the sounds of the nature present sounds of birds, mammals, amphibians and insects. With a teaching booklet.
The CD I listen to the sounds of the mountain allows the sound discovery of all the common animals of the mountain that one can meet while hiking. Accompanied by a 24-page educational booklet for active listening. IN FRENCH.
Grâce à ce livre-audio (avec un CD et un QRcode), découvrez 64 espèces sonores représentatives des forêts et bois français. : apprenez à écouter et identifier les animaux, des oiseaux au chant unique (pinson, rossignol, chouette...), en passant par le petit grillon des bois et l'incontournable brame du cerf.
Box 2 CD + BOOKLET. "LA SONOTHÈQUE DU MUSÉUM". Collection The "Outstanding natural site" works of the Muséum's Sonothèque are intended to showcase the natural sound heritage of France to as many people as possible.
CD with comments: identification of the wild animals (mammalian, Amphibians, insects).